maandag 28 november 2011

Anak Verhoeven and Loïc Timmermans European Youth Cup winners 2011

Sunday 27 November 2011 was a historic day in Belgian climbing history. Anak Verhoeven (female B)and Loïc Timmermans (Male A) won the EYC in Kranj Slovenia and both are now European Youth cup winners 2011 !
Congratulations !

zondag 27 november 2011

Manolo third place at Youth competiton Peter Beliën Memorial

Sunday 27 November 2011 Manolo participated at the Youth Peter Beliën Memorial in climbing gym Olympia in Hasselt Belgium. Manolo was able to top 18 of the 20 boulders and finished 3° place in category (1995-1997) .After Cédric Binst (2°place)  who topped one bonus more and Liam Thijs  who won by  topping 19 boulders.In category (1998-2000)  Rob Denayer won. Céline Cuypers who lost most of her skin on the open Chloé Grafitaux competition on Saterday that she won , was second.
 Vera Zijlstra (Femals) and Oliver Mignon  won the finals of the Peter Belien Memorials for adults!

donderdag 17 november 2011

Manolo wins Bleau open bouldering sensations Youth B 2011

We knew  Manolo was 31° place Adults Male.Today the ranking was published for the Youth category .Manolo won in his Category Youth B male. No prices or medals ,nothing for the winners of the youth category .Just for the honor !

zondag 13 november 2011

Bleau open bouldering sensations 2011

While Ignace climbed lead at the EYC, Carl and Manolo went to climbing gym Bleau in Ghent Belgium for the Bleau open bouldering sensations 2011. This competition is spread over three days .We went on saterday 12 nov 2011. It was a good choice not too many people on this day.All holds were cleaned before  we started which was great.Manolo climbed 27 of the 40 boulders.Carl climbed 20 of the 40 boulders.We had fun and climbed hard.Today the better competion climbers will try to get qualilfied for the finals this evening.
Complete results soon on Bleau open.
Pictures from Stef D'hoore on facebook
Update : Manolo 31 place  ,Carl 65 of 135 male competitors

zaterdag 12 november 2011

EYC Pau France

Today 12 november 2011 is the EYC (European Youth Cup) in Pau France.Ignace was injured last week but was able to climb the qualifications.He finished on a 18th place in Youth A male.Loïc Timmermans (Male A) , Anak Verhoeven (Female B) are as expected in the finals. Chloé Caulier (Female B) is for the first time in the finals.From the Netherlands Nikki Van Bergen (Juniors Female) and  Daan Groskamp (Male B) are in the finals.
You can watch the finals (A and Juniors)  tonight starting at 18.30 Hr and tomorrow at 10.30 Hr Youth B on Update  : Video quality and sound was great but on the most exciting moments the video sometimes stopped.
Update : Loïc Timmermans finished on 7th place.Nikki Van Bergen on 5th place.
Update : Anak Verhoeven First place and Chloé Caulier 4th place ! Super performance of the Belgian Girls !
Daan Groskamp 9th place.
Complete results on IFSC website 

dinsdag 1 november 2011

Weekend to Fontainebleau 30 oct-1 nov 2011

We had no plans to go climbing this weekend. The weather was great so we decided to go to bouldering in  Fontainebleau France . 
We left Sunday morning and we climbed that day at sector Canon.Ignace had already trained hard on Friday and Saterday but climbed hard and was able to boulder his first 7C La Mare Directe .Ignace climbed the line on two different ways : one of his own and the other way from Jan Hojer who also did this one .Ignace and Manolo also  both climbed Les Calins de Kim 7A.
On Monday we went to sector Bas Cuvier .Ignace and  Manolo  tried several  7the grade boulders. 
On Tuesday we went to sector Franchard Isatis but after warm up it started raining so we had to stop and go home.